Oxygen therapy

Yes. Oxygen tubing can get wet but make sure other equipment is kept dry and away from humid environments, such as bathrooms.
Follow your doctor’s prescription as to the flow rate and time for oxygen use.
No. You should not change the oxygen flow rate without checking with your doctor or nurse.
Don’t panic. Most people on oxygen can cope without it for many hours if they rest. Call VitalAire on 086 111 4578 or go to your nearest hospital. Back-up cylinders are available for patients that require them.
Use your stationary concentrator for physical exertion at home, and your portable oxygen for walking outside and doing errands.
To find out more about using your equipment please visit our Getting Started with Oxygen Therapy page.
Yes. Our highly skilled home-care advisors (Professional Nurses) will provide training to ensure you are comfortable with the equipment.
We will need a letter from your doctor stating you no longer require your equipment before we can collect it, since oxygen therapy is supplied with a medical prescription.
Everyone is tested when they first get oxygen therapy to ensure the right amount. If new symptoms like headaches, increased sleepiness, or confusion show up, contact your doctor or nurse.